Monday, June 18, 2012

This Blog Has Been Moved to A New Home!!

Please note that the blog has moved to a new home.  Below you will find the link to the new location. Kindly adjust your browsers. :)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Smile A Day: #2

Kim, my flatmate in Singapore is a very caring Korean girl. 
I was so impressed by her cooking skill.
I hope to learn to cook some Korean food from her :)

Me: "What makes you happy?"
Kim: "When my husband and family feel happy then I am happy...haha"

Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Smile A Day #1

I came up with an idea of sketching one person a day to improve my drawing skills. 
I randomly met William at Starbuck yesterday. 
He was really kind agreeing to be my model #1. 
Thanks William!

Monday, June 11, 2012

ShakesCaricature's brochure to explain ourselves.

A sneak peek of our upcoming brochure before it gets colored. Since we focus on providing memorable services to newly wedded couples, the brochure gives you a work flow of our offers. Take a look, spot Sharon! Let us know your opinion as well!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Some wedding event ideas...

So we were talking to a potential customer who is considering using our live drawing services for her wedding in January next year. (YEAH!) With typical Singaporean wedding inviting more than well over 100 plus guests, a single caricaturist for sure will not be able to cover everyone. We came up with the idea of pre-drawing some of the families and have them sign on the caricature drawing at reception upon arrival. What a brilliant idea! Not only the guests will have a surprise when they get there, the newly wedded also may use those pictures with blessing words as a home decor in their love nest!

And then it bring's back several ideas that Sharon drew for wedding in the past. The host had Sharon drew the name cards to be put on tables. When guests arrive they will look for their faces to find their seats.

So let us know what ideas your have!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


oh btw our Facebook fan page is OUT! Talk about "like" buttons and boxes. Took me a while to figure how to import these out on blogger! Friends and strangers, CHECK IT OUT! and of course please LIKE it!

Pang's birthday

It was our friend Pang's birthday last week. I initially thought a bottle of wine would be a decent gift. At the very last minute before the party I decided to add something more memorable. Quickly I drew this and printed out on a 4'x6' photo first time unboxing the Canon ip100 portable printer. And let me tell you, this is one little power house! Bluetooth connection, battery operation. COMPLETELY WIRELESS! and the print quality is sublime! I felt like I just have to write a review about this gig! 

Needless to say, Pang was very happy to see it :)...
Oh that's my hubby on the left. He's a helping me as well ;)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Live Drawing in Fisherman's Wharf by Singapore Caricature Artist Sharon Tang

Here are some of the sketches from the past few months...
These are the live drawings I did in San Francisco.
It only takes 5 minutes for each person to get a sketch done.
They are such nice souvenirs for tourists!
Especially couples love being drawn as their specialgifts in the special days.
 My friend Steven brought his other 2 friends to visit me 
in the wharf on a sunny weekend.
This kid was very exciting about his drawing,
he wanted to be a spider man. 

Sweet couples were holding their best souvenirs 
of San Francisco with great smiles. :)

Kids don't have to sit still, I am able to catch
their expression by a glance. 

It was a big project from a local client. She provided the big mat paper
and wanted me to draw 4 of her friends with their favorite activities.

A Commission Project for H-hunt Company by Singapore Caricature Artist Sharon Tang

They found me when I was drawing cartoon for the tourists in Fisherman'sWharf. They are one of the teams in this construction company, so they wished to have related little bodies in the drawing. 
It took me more time to use color pencil this time, but came out exquisite effect. It was a good try.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Charity Event at Palace Hotel by Singapore Caricature Artist Sharon Tang (10-16-2011)

I was invited to come and draw in a Charity Event for 2 hours.
This cute Korean couple came to me in the very last minute.
They really enjoy the sketch done.

 I volunteered to work extra time for the pretty lady on the right.
If you want your event be special and memorable,
please don't hesitate to book Sharon Tang for
 live caricature drawing in your next amazing event or parties. 
Please feel free to email her at

What I do For Caricature?

  • Drawing pictures from photos of your be-love ones for any gifts.  For example:
    • A wedding gift for a newly married couple.
    • A wedding picture for a couple to show up in a wedding banquet. 
    • A birthday gift for your friends and family.
    • A gift for a wedding anniversary. 
    • A gift for your friend's house warming party.
    • A unique gift for any occasions...     
  • Live caricature drawing in parties and events.
  • Live DIGITAL caricature drawing in parties and events.